DANIELLE: This place I'm taking you to -- there's something that will help you -- something important. As for trust, take this. [she offers her rifle which Sayid takes] If I'm lying it's yours to use.
[We hear a voice faintly in the background.]
VOICE: Help me. Hey, somebody here.
VOICE: Help!
DANIELLE: Sayid, listen to me.
[We see someone hanging from a tree in a net trap.]
VOICE: Hey! Hey, over here. Please, help me.
VOICE: Help me!
DANIELLE: Don't believe a word he says.
DANIELLE: He's one of them.
VOICE: I have no idea what she's talking about. She's crazy.
SAYID: How long has he been up there?
VOICE: Since last night. Please, just cut me down. My name is Henry Gale. I'm from Minnesota. Please.
DANIELLE: He's lying.
SAYID [pulling out his knife]: I'm going to cut him down.
GALE: Thank you.
DANIELLE: You're making a serious mistake.
SAYID [after cutting him down]: It's okay; it's okay. You're alright. Hold on. Take it easy.
[Danielle prepares her cross bow. Gale sees her.]
GALE [running]: No.
SAYID: Wait. Danielle, don't!
[Danielle shoots Gale in the shoulder. Sayid runs to him.]
SAYID: You could have killed him.
DANIELLE: If I wanted to kill him, I would have killed him.
SAYID: You shot this man with no provocation.
DANIELLE: He is one of them. Tie him up. You should take him to your doctor. He's no good to you dead.
SAYID [tying him up]: And then what?
DANIELLE: You talk to him, Sayid. As I recall that is what you do. But know this -- he will lie -- a long time. He will lie.
[We see Sayid in the hatch waking Locke.]
SAYID: John, John wake up.
LOCKE: What?
SAYID: Come out here.
[We see Locke and Sayid looking at Gale.]
LOCKE: Minnesota, huh?
SAYID: That's the question, isn't it?
GALE: Where am I?
SAYID: Who are you?
GALE: Henry, Henry Gale. Ah, my back.
SAYID: We're going to take it out, but first I want you to relax. How did you get to this island?
GALE: 4 months ago, we crashed on this island, my wife and I.
SAYID: Crashed in what?
GALE: A balloon. We were trying to cross the Pacific.
SAYID: Your wife, where is she?
GALE: She died. She got, she got sick 3 weeks ago. We were staying in a cave off the beach. Ah, my shoulder. At least untie my arms.
JACK [entering]: What the hell's going here?
SAYID: Rousseau trapped him in the jungle. She believes he's an Other.
GALE: An other what?
JACK: You shot him with an arrow?
SAYID: Do I have a bow?
JACK [to Gale]: Hey, hey, you with me? [to Sayid] What, you were just going to let him bleed to death?
SAYID: I was trying to get honest answers while he was able to give them. And his wound is far from life threatening.
LOCKE: We should let Jack treat him first, then we'll get our answers.
SAYID: Jack, do not untie him.
[We see Jack removing the arrow from Gale's shoulder, as Sayid and Locke watch from a small distance.]
LOCKE: So, what do you think?
SAYID: What do you think, John?
LOCKE: I think he's pretty convincing.
SAYID: Yes, he is.
LOCKE: The real problem is there's no way we can be sure he's telling the truth.
SAYID: That is not necessarily true. Does Jack have the combination to the armory?
LOCKE: For now he does.
SAYID: How long would it take for you to change it?
LOCKE: If you're angry -- looking for someone to punish...
SAYID: Why would I need to punish anyone? I want to find out who he is. I want the truth. And I think we both know that Jack will have issues with what must be done in order to get it. So how long, John, to change the combination?
LOCKE: Couple minutes, tops.
SAYID: Then I suggest you get started.
[Jack is still working on Gale. Sayid enters.]
SAYID: Did he say anything while...
JACK: No, he didn't. He was in shock.
LOCKE: We can't just leave him lying here, Jack -- if people see him it'll create a panic.
JACK: Yeah, well, where do you think we should put him?
SAYID: I say we put him in the armory, secure.
LOCKE: Better to err on the side of safety, Jack. At least until we can be sure.
JACK: Okay. For now.
[They carry Gale into the armory.]
JACK: We can pull that cot in here. He shouldn't be on his back.
LOCKE: Good idea.
[Sayid locks himself in with Gale.]
JACK [pounding on the armory door]: Sayid, hey, what the hell are you doing? Sayid! Sayid!
SAYID: What needs to be done.
[We see Sayid tying Gale up in the armory.]
SAYID: Get up.
GALE: What's happening?
SAYID [making Gale sit up]: Here, let me help you. You said you've been here for 4 months.
GALE: What?
SAYID: You said you came to this island 4 months ago, yes?
GALE: Where am I?
SAYID: Please, answer my question.
GALE: Yeah, yes we landed 4 months ago. Maybe more. Who are you?
SAYID: And you were in a cave for all that time?
GALE: Off the beach on the North shore of the island.
SAYID: How far from this beach to where you were captured?
GALE: I don't know.
SAYID: How many days' walk?
GALE: 2 -- 2 days.
SAYID: Why did you stay on the beach for so long?
GALE: Why wouldn't we? We wanted to be there for fly-overs. We had an emergency beacon, a transmitter.
SAYID: What kind of transmitter?
GALE: An ADF beacon. We wanted to make sure we'd be spotted. Look, whatever you think I am, I'm not. Please, please just -- tell me your name.
SAYID: Your wife, what is her maiden name?
GALE: Murphy.
SAYID: Where did you meet her?
GALE: University of Minnesota.
SAYID: How did she die?
GALE: She got sick.
SAYID: She got sick?
GALE: It started as a fever. After 2 days she was delirious. Then she died. I don't know why you're asking me all these questions. I don't know why you're treating me this way -- why I have to explain to you who I am when you don't tell me who you are.
SAYID: I was 23 years old when the Americans came to my country. I was a good man. I was a soldier. And when they left I was something different. For the next 6 years I did things I wish I could erase from my memory -- things which I never thought myself to be capable of. But I did come to learn this -- there was a part of me which was always capable. You want to know who I am? My name is Sayid Jarrah, and I am a torturer.
[We see Sayid in the armory with Gale.]
SAYID: Tell me about this balloon.
GALE: What?
SAYID: This balloon that brought you here with your wife. Tell me about it.
GALE: What do you want to know?
SAYID: Everything.
GALE: She's 140 feet high, 60 feet wide. And when she's up in the air 550,000 thousand cubic feet of helium and a 100,000 thousand of hot air keep her up. And if you could look down on her you'd see a big yellow smiley face on top.
SAYID: Why would you travel in that way?
GALE: Because I was rich. Because it was my dream. And Jennifer thought it would be neat.
SAYID: You "were" rich?
GALE: I guess I'm thinking of things in the past tense now. How's that for optimism?
SAYID: What did you do to become so rich?
GALE: I sold my company.
SAYID: What kind of company?
GALE: Mining.
SAYID: What did you mine?
GALE: We mined non-metallic minerals. I know, everyone wanted to talk to me at cocktail parties.
SAYID: Give me your hands. Give me your hands!
[Sayid puts the pliers around Gale's finger.]
SAYID: Where is she buried?
GALE: What?
SAYID: Listen to me. You said you buried your wife. Tell me where.
GALE: What are you going to...?
SAYID: Where!!
GALE: In the jungle. By the balloon, in the jungle.
SAYID: How deep? How deep did you dig the grave?
GALE: I don't -- it was...
SAYID: How deep? How many shovelfuls of earth? Did you use your hands? How long did it take you?
GALE: I don't remember.
SAYID: You would remember! You would remember how deep. You would remember every shovelful, every moment. You would remember what it felt like to place her body inside. You would remember if you buried the woman you loved. You would remember -- if it were true!
GALE: Did you -- did you lose someone? Did you lose someone here on the island? Did you lose someone, too? What happened to her?
SAYID: It was an accident. It was an accident. The woman responsible thought she was someone else -- someone coming to hurt her -- someone like you!
GALE: This is all a mistake. Slow down here, okay. Hurting me isn't going to bring her back.
[Sayid starts punching Gale repeatedly.]
SAYID: You know what I lost. Tell me how long.
GALE: No, no. Help! Help me!
SAYID: Tell me who you are
[Inside the armory.]
GALE: What do you want me to say? Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. Please.
SAYID [still beating him]: I want you to tell me the truth.
[Locke rushes to open the gun vault. And then rushes to enter the numbers. We see the timer at 10 seconds. Jack opens the door to the armory and wrestles Sayid out. Locke typed in 16 twice, instead of 15, 16 and has to backspace. The timer hits zero and starts spinning around. We hear sounds of something starting up in the hatch. The timer shows hieroglyphs in black and red. 4 of them lock in place. Locke enters the last number and hits execute before the last glyph locks. The timer resets and we hear a winding down sound.]
[In the background we can hear Sayid, Jack and Gale.]
SAYID: He's lying!
JACK: Not like this.
GALE: I'll tell you whatever you want.
[Scene switches to Sayid, Jack and Gale. Jack is wrestling Sayid away from Gale.]
SAYID: He's lying! He's lying!
JACK: That's enough!
[Jack closes the door and leaves Gale alone in the armory.]
JACK [to Sayid]: What the hell was that?
SAYID: He is one of them.
JACK: Yeah? Did he tell you that?
JACK: Then how do you know?
SAYID: Because I know. He is one of them.
JACK: I think that Rousseau thought that about you once, Sayid. If I'm not mistaken she strapped you down, she shocked you, all because she thought you were one of them.
LOCKE: He is.
JACK: What?
LOCKE: He is one of them. To Rousseau, we're all Others. I guess it's all relative, huh?
[Back on the island we see Sayid sitting on the beach with Charlie.]
SAYID: There is a man down in the hatch. A stranger captured by Rousseau. I beat him. I beat him badly.
CHARLIE: Why are you telling me this, Sayid?
SAYID: Jack asked me how I knew -- knew for sure that this man was lying. How I knew for sure that he was one of them -- one of the Others. I know because I feel no guilt for what I did to him. But there is no way I can ever explain that to Jack, or even Locke, because both of them have forgotten.
CHARLIE: Forgotten? What?
SAYID: That you were strung up by your neck and left for dead. That Claire was taken and kept for days during which god only know what happened to her. That these people -- these Others -- are merciless, and can take any one of us whenever they choose. So tell me, Charlie, have you forgotten?
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