Shot of The Hydra where Juliet and Ben enter Jack's cell and he looks at x-rays]
Jack You took these blood tests, made all the notations?
[Juliet nods her head yes]
Jack How old are the x-rays?
Juliet A week.
Jack The tumor on your spine is borderline inoperable and at the rate it's going that borderline goes away in about 1 week.
Ben Oh.
Jack The OR we were in, is that fully equipped?
Juliet Yes.
Jack Anesthesia? Sterile?
Juliet Yes.
Jack You need to be in surgery yesterday.
Ben Alright, then. Whatever you need, it's yours. I'm ready.
Jack [Laughing] No, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't say I was gonna do it. I just wanted you to understand how you're gonna die. You think I believe you people? You think I trust you, that I'm gonna just do the surgery and hope that you let me go?!
Juliet Jack.
[Jack throws the x-rays at ]
Jack Don't!
Ben Well Jack, I'm very disappointed in your decision.
Jack Well Ben, at least you won't have to be disappointed for very long.
[Later, as Jack and Kate stand at the glass]
Kate [Crying] They're gonna kill Sawyer! God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but she said that if you do it and you do it soon they'll let us go.
Jack And you believe them?
Kate I have to. Jack, please.
Jack We're done here.
Kate Jack.
Jack Hey!
[Shot shifts to Ben who is watching and listening on a closed circuit monitor]
Jack We're done in here.
Shot of Jack laying down in his cell in The Hydra when the speaker system squawks and awakens him]
Jack Who is this? Hello? Hello.
Alex Try it, the door.
[Jack does and it opens and he explores the hall, discovers the monitor observation room, finds and takes a gun, and notices Kate and Sawyer kissing and snuggling and Jack is then startled by Ben]
Ben If it helps, I was surprised too. If I were a betting man, I would have picked her and you.
[Jack holds the gun to Ben's chest]
Jack Shut up!
Ben Well, I suppose this would be the proverbial nail in my coffin, wouldn't it?
Jack Tomorrow.
Ben Sorry.
Jack Tomorrow morning, first thing. And everything I've mentioned before, the instruments, the anesthesia, and someone who can hold a damn clamp.
Ben Yes. Of course.
Jack I'll get it out... your tumor... and I'll keep you alive. But I need your word. I need what you promised me before. I need to get the hell off this island.
Ben Done.
[Jack and Juliet enter the OR where Ben is prepped and lying on a table]
Ben You get nervous... before you do surgery?
Jack I used to, but not any more. No.
Ben Whatever happens, everything will be very different, won't it?
Jack No doubt about it.
Ben Juliet, did Alex ask about me?
Juliet No. We took her home last night. I don't know where she is now.
Ben Well, see ya on the other side. I'm ready.
Jack I need you to count down from 20.
Ben 20, 19, 18...
Jack Scalpel.
[Jack begins an incision on Ben's back as Pickett looks on from above]
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