[We see the boat that we saw in Exodus arrive at the pier. Henry Gale gets out and is obviously the one in charge. He strides up to Jack.]
GALE: Hello again. [to Mr. Friendly] Where's your beard?
MR. FRIENDLY: I think they know.
GALE [to Michael]: Alight, let's take care of business, shall we?
DESMOND [turning the key]: I love you, Penny.
[The screen fades to white.]
[We see Gale and everyone on the pier. The ground shakes, there's a bright light and a strange sound, and everyone covers their ears. We see Sayid, Sun and Jin on the boat, covering their ears. We see the people on the beach reacting the same way. The light and sound fade. We see an object falling from the sky. Bernard moves Claire to safety, right before the hatch door with the quarantine stencil almost falls on them.]
[We see Gale and Michael at the pier.]
GALE: I'm not happy about the arrangement that was made with you Michael, but we got more than we bargained for when Walt joined us, so I suppose this is what's best. And you let me go, set me free -- you lived up to your word. We live up to our word, too. Do you know how to drive a boat?
MICHAEL: Yeah, I can drive a boat.
GALE: Good, then you're going to take this boat and follow a compass bearing of 325, and if you do that exactly, you and your son will find rescue.
MICHAEL: That's it? I follow the bearing and me and my son get rescued?
GALE: Yes.
MICHAEL: How do you know I won't tell people about where I was?
GALE: Maybe you will, maybe you won't. But it won't matter. Once you leave, you'll never be able to get back here. And my hunch is you won't say a word to anybody because if you do, people will find out what you did to get your son back.
MICHAEL: My friends -- I was promised you wouldn't hurt them.
GALE: A deal's a deal.
MICHAEL: Who are you people?
GALE: We're the good guys, Michael. Alright, she's all yours.
MICHAEL: What? What, am I stupid? Where's my son?
GALE: Walt's inside.
[Michael runs to the boat.]
GALE: Bon voyage, Michael.
WALT: Dad! Dad!
MICHAEL: Come here, come here [they hug]. You okay?
WALT: Yeah.
MICHAEL: You sure? Okay, I've got you now. It's going to be okay now. We're going home, Walt. We are going home.
[Gale motions to Ms. Klugh and she removes Hurley's gag.]
MS. KLUGH: Hugo, you can go back to your camp.
MS. KLUGH: Go back. Your job is to tell the rest of your people they can never come here.
HURLEY: But what about my friends?
GALE: Your friends are coming home with us.
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