Shot of Jack doing pull-ups from an overhead bar in his containment cell. Ben walks in dressed in a simple white shirt and carrying more white clothing]
Ben Good evening, Jack.
Jack Good evening, Ben.
Ben I was hoping you might join me for a walk. [Jack laughs] What?
Jack Well, you say that like...you're not going to just throw a bag over my head and drag me out of here if I say no.
Ben Then don't say no. Why don't you put this on. [He hands Jack the white clothing] I'll wait outside.
Jack Does it hurt?
Ben Sorry?
Jack Your neck, does it hurt? Any numbness in your fingers and toes like pins and needles when your foot falls asleep, but permanent?
Ben Why are you asking me these questions, Jack?
Jack Because, Ben, you have a tumor on your spine. An aggressive tumor...that...is going to kill you. I don't know when those x-rays were taken that I saw, but unless they were very recent...you're not going to be taking walks much longer.
Ben I have no idea what you're talking about.
Jack Ok. My mistake then. [Jack finishes getting dressed] I'm ready whenever you are.
[Shot of Jack being led through the jungle at night with Ben and a man carrying a torch and another man carrying a rifle. They stop at the edge of the beach where several others are gathered, all dressed in the same, simple white clothing. Several torches are lit around the beach. Colleen Pickett's body is covered on a small raft. Danny is kneeling next to the body]
Ben Stay here.
[Ben walks over to the crowd]
Ben [From a distance, barely audible as Jack would hear it] As we prepare to send Colleen on her way, I'd like to take a moment...
[Juliet walks up behind Jack]
Juliet I hate funerals. [Jack turns to look at her] He let you out?
Jack Gave me a new shirt, too.
[They both watch as the funeral proceeds. Ben is still talking, inaudible]
Juliet Bye, Jack.
[Juliet walks to the crowd around the body. The body and raft are set afloat in the ocean and then lit on fire with a torch. A song plays over the speaker: Brenda Lee - I Wonder. Lyrics heard: I wonder my little darling, Where can you be this moonlit night? Are you holding someone tight? I wonder. My heart's, my heart is aching. And I'm a fool, I'm a fool to let it go on breaking]
Ben [speaking quietly to Juliet] Why did you show him my x-rays?
Juliet I didn't tell him they were yours. But I guess you did.
Jack [laughs] You people have cheeseburgers?
Juliet You have no idea what I went through to make this for you. I killed the cow, processed the meat, baked the bun. And the fries...try rendering animal fat.
Jack No ketchup?
[The door opens and Ben walks in]
Ben I'd like to talk to him.
Juliet Ok. So talk to him.
Ben Alone. Please.
Jack I'm fine with her being here.
Ben And I'm thrilled that your fine, Jack, but it's private. Doctor patient confidentiality.
Juliet Sure. Of course.
[Juliet leaves the room]
Jack Mind if I eat?
[Jack takes a bite of the burger]
Ben We had such a wonderful plan to break you, Jack.
Jack Break me?
Ben Wear you down till you were convinced we weren't your enemies. Get you to trust us. And then of course we'd lead you to believe that you were choosing to do...whatever we asked you to do. All of this of course assumed that you would get...invested.
Jack Invested in what?
Ben Has it not occurred to you that Juliet bears a striking resemblance to your ex-wife.
Jack Why are you telling me this?
Ben I'm telling you this, Jack, because my wonderful plan...got shot to sunshine when you saw my damned x-rays and figured out I was dying.
Jack All of this...you brought me here to operate on you. You...you want me to save your life.
Ben No, I want you to want to save my life. But we're beyond that now, so...all I can ask is that you think about it. Do you believe in God, Jack?
Jack Do you?
Ben 2 days after I found out I had a fatal tumor on my spine...a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky. And if that's not proof of God, I don't know what is.
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