[Benry runs into the Hydra aquarium where Jack is playing Juliet]
Benry Juliet! I need you!
Benry The sub is back. We have a situation. So come with me now.
[Later, at Sawyer’s bear cage]
Sawyer Oh yeah. The Big Kahuna. Lunch already?
Benry What do you weigh?
Benry What. Do. You. Weigh.
Benry How old are you?
Benry Don't lie.
Benry Good.
[Benry steps in the puddle of water and starts to open the door of the cage when Sawyer grabs Benry's arm and begins pushing the button to create the electric charge]
Sawyer Sianara sucker!
[The electricity does not discharge]
Sawyer What did you do?
Benry We turned it off.
[Benry hits Sawyer in the face through the bars with a baton, causing Sawyer to fall and then Benry opens the cages and beats Sawyer with the baton, then kicks him in the head causing him to go unconscious followed by a shot of Sawyer waking back up with his vision blurry and he can hear 2 people talking]
Tom ...2 days since the sky turned purple, we've been blind, our comm's are all down and I can't get them back up again. And in case you forgot Colleen's in critical...
Benry Juliet's taking care of her.
Sawyer Where am I?
[Shot of Sawyer lying down strapped to a large table with his shirt off]
Sawyer What the hell are you doing to me? Let me out!
Benry Jason.
Sawyer Let me out!
Jason (An Other) Bite down on this please.
Sawyer You bite down on it!
Benry It's for the pain.
Sawyer [Muffled] Wait!
[A wooden stick is forced into Sawyer's mouth and a very large syringe with liquid in it is prepared]
Sawyer [Muffled] Wait! Wait! Let me out, now!
Benry God, I hate needles
Later [Shot of Sawyer waking up again still strapped to the table with a large bloody bandage is over his heart and Tom walks in carrying a cage with a white rabbit in it that has the number 8 painted in black on the rabbit's back then Benry takes the cage and places it on Sawyer's chest]
Sawyer What the hell?
Benry Shhh.
[Benry grabs the cage with both hands and starts shaking it violently]
Benry Hey. Hey! come on!
[Benry continues to violently shake the cage with the rabbit in it]
Benry Hey, move! Move! Hey, come on come on come on come on!
Sawyer What are you doing!?
[Benry continues to violently shake the cage]
Benry Come on come on come on come on come on! Let's move it! Let's move it! Let's move it! Hippity Hop!
Sawyer Come on! What are you doing!
Benry Hippity Hop! Hippity Hop! Let's move it! Let's move it! Let's move it!
Sawyer What's your problem!
Benry Come on come on come on! Heyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey!
[The rabbit drops motionless to the cage floor and appears dead]
Sawyer Did you just kill that bunny?
Benry You know what a pacemaker is?
Sawyer What?
Benry They stick them in the tickers of people who've had bypass work who's hearts need just a little jump. A...kick start. The rabbit had a small pacemaker set to deliver it's kick start should it get too excited. Or anxious or frightened. Or should it tried to escape.
[Benry picks up a watch and puts it on Sawyer]
Benry Assuming that you were telling the truth about your age and weight your resting heart rate should be about 70 beats per minute. Your active heart rat, however...that would be about 140. Which is the point at which your pacemaker...will cause your heart to explode.
[Benry removes the straps holding Sawyer to the table]
Benry Which is how I know that you're going to start behaving now. The watch monitors your pulse. If you get within 15 beats of your danger zone it'll start to beep. If and when it beeps you're going to want to relax yourself. Do some deep breathing. Some yoga.
Sawyer If you want me dead why don't you just shoot me and get it over with.
Benry Because we're not killers, James. Oh, and one other thing. Kate.
Sawyer You touch her I swear...
Benry You tell her what we did. What we put in you, that we're watching you. You tell her any of these things...we'll put one in her too.
Later [Shot of the monitoring room where Benry and Tom are watching Sawyer]
Tom You know Danny wants to kill him.
Benry Danny can wait.
Tom Should I bring Shephard back.
Benry No. I want him to sit with her for a while longer.
[Shot of Jack handcuffed to the operating table with Colleen's body covered by a sheet when Juliet walks in the room]
Later [at Sawyer’s cage]
Benry Psst. Psssst. Good morning. Let's go for a walk.
Later [Shot of Benry, Sawyer and 2 others climbing a rocky, hilly area]
Benry Not much further James. Just to the top of the next rise.
Sawyer What's up there?
Benry Something I want you to see.
Sawyer Is it that little place you always wanted George.
Benry Sorry?
Sawyer What, don't you read? It's from "Of Mice and Men". You'd like it. Puppies get killed.
[They continue climbing and Sawyer's watch starts beeping]
Sawyer Bring me up here to kill me. Make that thing you put inside me blow up my damned heart?
Benry Your hearts not going to blow up James. The only thing we put inside you was doubt. Oh, the watch is a heart rate monitor, nothing more.
[Benry reaches into a bag he has been carrying and pulls out a white rabbit with a black 8 painted on its back]
Benry Look. We gave him a sedative, not a pacemaker.
Sawyer How do I know that's the same bunny. That you didn't just paint an 8 on another one.
Benry You don't.
[Sawyer gives Benry a roundhouse hit to the mouth]
Sawyer You son of a bitch.
Benry [Through a bleeding mouth] The rabbit wasn't the thing I wanted to show you.
[They walk over a rise and before them is the end of the island and then ocean and then across a relatively short span of ocean another island can be seen]
Benry You ever been to Alcatraz? Take the tour? Right now you're standing on a small island roughly twice the size of Alcatraz. And that over there? That's your island, the one you've come to know and love. I just wanted you to know there's nowhere to run.
Sawyer You did all this just to...just to keep me in a damned cage?
Benry We did all this because the only way to gain a con man's respect is to con him. And you're pretty good...Sawyer. We're a lot better. Funny thing is, us telling you about the pace maker wasn't what kept you in line. It was when I threatened her! You work so hard to make her think you don't care. That you don't need her. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. It don't make no difference who the guy is, long as he's with you. I tell ya. I tell ya...a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick.
Sawyer What the hell are you talking about?
Benry It's from "Of Mice and Men". Don't you read? Come on. Let's get you back to your cage.
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