Sunday, April 22, 2007

3.07 Not in Portland

[Cut to a shot of Ben's face in the operating room. He's lying face down on the operating table, so we're seeing a shot of him from the floor up to see his face.]

TOM: Is it true?

JACK: Is what true?

TOM: What you said -- did Juliet really ask you to kill him?

JACK: Yeah, and in about 40 minutes she's going to get her wish.

BEN [coming to]: Hey, that's not helping anything. Now, could somebody please get Juliet?


Back on the island, we see Juliet pacing outside as Tom approaches.]

TOM: Juliet, Ben's awake.


TOM: Shephard says he's a spinal surgeon, not an anesthesiologist. Ben's asking for you.


[Back in the operating room.]

JACK: I stopped the surgery.

BEN: I know. I've been able to hear you for a few minutes now. It's very clever of you. I should have seen it coming.

JACK: Are you in pain? I can...

BEN: No, but thanks all the same.

[Juliet and Tom enter.]

BEN: I'd like to speak to Juliet alone, please, Jack.

JACK: No. No, I'm sorry.

BEN: Please, I'm asking you one gentleman to another. It won't hurt you to give me three minutes, will it -- knowing I have only 27 left?

JACK [exiting, to Juliet]: If you touch him, if you...

JULIET: I won't.

JACK: You've got three minutes.

[Jack moves to the observation window and watches Juliet sit next to Ben. We see Ben talking, but can't hear what he's saying. Tom joins Jack at the window.]

TOM: I'm Tom, by the way.

[Jack doesn't respond; and we see Ben talking again, but can't hear him. Jack and Tom continue watching.]

TOM: They've got history.

[Juliet exits the operating room and goes to Jack.]

JULIET: I would like you to go back in there, put Ben under, and finish the surgery.

JACK: And why would I want to do that?

JULIET: Because I'm going to go help your friends escape.

[Back in the Hydra station.]

JACK: I want to know what he said.

JULIET: I've been on this island for 3 years, Jack. 3 years, 2 months, and 28 days. He said that if I let him live and I helped you -- that he would finally let me go home

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