Back in the hatch, we see Gale at the dining table with Locke and Jack.]
JACK [giving Gale paper]: Draw it again -- the map to your balloon.
GALE: I was joking. I was making a joke. There's nothing out there besides my balloon. I was just frustrated. It was a stupid thing to say. I'm sorry.
LOCKE: It's too late anyway. She's already long gone, Jack.
JACK: So, what's done is done?
LOCKE: That's right.
JACK: Put him back in the armory. [he exits]
GALE: Why do you let him talk to you like that? [Locke grabs him by the collar and forcefully takes him to the armory] Hey, wait, I...
LOCKE: Shut up!
GALE: John, I'm sorry. John?
[We see Gale reading in the armory. Locke is listening to music and riding the exercise bike. We hear a beep sound and a voice through heavy static.]
LOUDSPEAKER VOICE: 20 minutes to lockdown.
[Locke stops riding the bike. We hear feedback from the speaker. Locke stops the music and checks on the computer. The screen looks normal and the timer shows 47 minutes. We hear more feedback as Locke tries to fix the loudspeaker. The volume on the speaker increases dramatically, scaring Locke and getting Gale's attention.]
LOUDSPEAKER VOICE: ... 17 minutes to lockdown.
GALE: What was that? John, what's the matter?
[Back in the hatch, we hear more of the broken up loudspeaker message.]
LOUDSPEAKER VOICE: ... please proceed... protocol... please proceed...
GALE: John? Hey, you out there? What's that noise? John? What's going on? Talk to me.
LOCKE: Will you be quiet!
GALE: Tell me what's happening, what the hell is...
LOCKE: Will you shut up!!
LOUDSPEAKER VOICE: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...
GALE: Maybe you should get Jack?
LOCKE: I said, shut up!!!
[The blast doors begin coming down. Locke manages to get a crow bar slipped in under the last door to go down just in the nick of time.]
GALE: What happened?
[Back in the hatch, the lights start flickering.]
GALE: Hey, what's going on?
[Locke tries to lift the blast door using the crow bar, but can barely get it to budge.]
GALE: Are you still out there? John? John?
LOCKE: I'm here.
GALE: What were those noises? What's wrong? Did something...
LOCKE: Nothing is wrong.
[Back at the hatch.]
LOCKE: We're locked in.
GALE: What?
LOCKE: These blast doors came down. The whole living area is sealed off. I can't get out.
GALE: Did you try to pry...
LOCKE: Yeah, but I couldn't -- maybe, maybe if the 2 of us.
GALE: You want me to help you?
LOCKE: Yeah.
GALE: And if I do help you get these doors up then you're just going to lock me back in here, aren't you?
LOCKE: That's right.
GALE: Then I'm going to need your word, John. I'm going to need your word that you won't let your people do anything to me.
LOCKE: Well, if you're who you say you are then what are you worried about?
GALE: Things have happened to them -- things that I have nothing to do with. But they've got no one to blame except for me. So I'm going to need your word that you'll protect me, no matter what.
[Locke opens the armory door.]
LOCKE: Who are you?
GALE: My name is Henry Gale. I'm from Minnesota. And I crashed on this island just like you.
LOCKE: Alright, you have my word.
[In the hatch, we see Locke positioning one of the longer bars for the weights to slide it under the blast door to get more leverage. Locke and Gale lift the door with the crow bar far enough to slide the weight bar under. They use the weight bar to try to lift the door higher.]
LOCKE: Let's go. Harder.
GALE: I'm losing it.
LOCKE: The tool box. Get the tool box -- that'll hold it.
GALE: You sure?
LOCKE: Get it! Come on, put it under.
[The tool box holds the door. Locke immediately starts to slide under.]
GALE: John, John, wait, don't just...
[The tool box buckles and Locke's legs are trapped under the door. He screams out in pain, and Gale tries lifting the door with his arms.]
LOCKE: You have to stop the door. Put something else under the door. Come on, come on.
[Gale puts the weights under the door.]
LOCKE: Stack 'em, stack 'em. You have to stop the pressure. Come on, come on, come on.
[Gale puts enough weights so the door stops moving down.]
GALE: Alright, alright, let's get you out. Come on.
[Gale starts pulling Locke out.]
LOCKE: No, no, stop, stop, stop!
GALE: Alright, we'll wait 'til somebody comes down. Alright? It's only a matter of time, yeah?
LOCKE: Yeah, but we don't have time.
[Back in the hatch.]
GALE: What does it do?
LOCKE: We're not exactly sure.
GALE: And you push it...
LOCKE: Every 108 minutes, yeah.
GALE: How soon does this alarm go off?
LOCKE: Very -- which is why I need you to go up through the grate and into the vents.
GALE: Grate's bolted shut. I tried it.
LOCKE: There's another grate in the pantry. You can get up through there. Take the vent into the dome.
GALE: Maybe we should wait.
LOCKE: We can't wait; it's going to go off any minute. I trusted you, Henry, now you've got to trust me. That button has to be pushed.
GALE: Okay, what do I do?
LOCKE: Once you're inside, you'll hear the alarm beeping, and you just have to enter the numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, and then you press execute. It has to be exactly those numbers in exactly that order. Now do you...
GALE: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. I got it.
[Gale goes into the pantry.]
LOCKE: Can you reach it?
GALE: I think so.
[Gale climbs up on the shelving and tries to open the grate.]
LOCKE: Be careful.
[Gale falls and is unconscious.]
LOCKE: Henry?
[We hear the timer start to beep.]
LOCKE: Henry?!
[Back in the hatch we see that Henry is still unconscious and the alarm is still beeping.]
LOCKE: Henry, get up, damn it. Henry! [Henry comes to] Henry, are you alright?
GALE: What happened?
LOCKE: Listen to me, you have to get up into the vents and enter the numbers into the computer.
GALE: How long was I...
LOCKE: Please, you have to go right now; we're running out of time.
GALE [faintly]: Okay, yeah.
LOCKE: Be careful!
[Henry goes into the vent.]
LOCKE: Henry?! [The 1 minute alarm starts sounding] Henry, can you hear me?
[Locke tries very unsuccessfully to lift door with his arms.]
LOCKE: Henry? Henry?
[We see Locke in the hatch. The alarm is sounding furiously.]
LOCKE: Henry! Henry!!
[Suddenly the alarm stops and we hear the timer numbers flipping. We hear sounds like something powering up. The lights go out. We hear the numbers stop flipping.]
LOCKE: Please say something.
[We see black lights comes on, Locke looks at the blast door in surprise and we see a map of the hatches fluorescing in the black light. The lights go off again, and the regular lights come back on. The blast doors come up. We see that a bar on the bottom of the door has gone into Locke's leg. He pushes himself away from the door.]
LOCKE: Henry!
[Locke pulls himself by his arms into the computer room.]
LOCKE: Henry? Anybody here?
[We see the timer at 107.]
LOCKE: Is anybody here? Henry!
[We see Henry approach Locke from behind.]
LOCKE: You came back.
GALE: What, did you think I was going to leave you here? Come on, can you stand?
LOCKE: I don't -- I think so. [Locke stands and leans again a wall] Thank you, Henry. Thank you for not leaving me.
GALE: You're welcome, John.
[We see Gale helping Locke to the couch in the hatch.]
GALE: I've got you, easy, easy.
[Gale lifts Locke's leg up to the coffee table. Locke winces in pain.]
GALE: Sorry.
LOCKE: What did you do -- what did you do to end it -- to make the doors go up?
GALE: I did what you told me to. I punched in the code and pressed the execute button, but nothing happened other than that clock flipping back. I was climbing back into the vent when the lights went out. 10 seconds later the doors went up. I didn't do anything.
LOCKE: You think it was all just random?
GALE: Don't look at me; it's your hatch.
JACK [entering]: Get away from him.
GALE: Wait, you don't...
SAYID [aiming his gun]: Step back, right now.
LOCKE: Sayid, it's okay.
[Jack grabs Gale and shoves him up against a wall.]
JACK: I said, "get away"!
LOCKE: I let him out -- some kind of lockdown or something -- he, he was helping me.
GALE: Couldn't you find my balloon?
ANA: Yeah, we found it.
SAYID: We did find your balloon, Henry Gale, exactly how you described it. We also found the grave you described -- your wife's grave. The grave you said you dug with your own bare hands. It was all there. Your whole story -- your alibi -- it was true. But still I did not believe it to be true. So I dug up that grave and found that there was not a woman inside. There was a man. [Sayid shows him a driver's license] A man named Henry Gale.
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