We see the person we know as Henry Gale coming out of another house. Everyone looks up at the sky. They see a plane flying over which then breaks apart in mid-air and crashes.]
GALE: Goodwin, did you see where the tail landed?
GOODWIN: Yeah, probably in the water.
GALE: You run and you can make that shore line in an hour. Ethan, get up there to that fuselage. There may actually be survivors; and you're one of them. A passenger -- in shock -- come up with an adequate story if they ask. Stay quiet if they don't. Listen, learn, don't get involved. I want lists in 3 days. Go.
[Goodwin and Ethan run off. Henry notices Julie standing nearby holding a Steven King book.]
GALE: So I guess I'm out of the book club.
[Later on the beach]
[Tom and three armed guards escort Kate through a covered walkway and to a beach where Henry is waiting under a thatch-roofed structure at a table laden with breakfast foods. Henry pulls out a chair for Kate. Kate sees a pair of handcuffs lying on the table.]
GALE: Sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to put those on, Kate.
KATE: And if I don't?
GALE: Then you don't get any coffee.
[Kate puts the cuffs on.]
GALE: A little tighter. [Kate gives a defiant look] Please.
[Kate makes the cuffs tighter.]
KATE: What did you do with Sawyer and Jack?
GALE: Now why Sawyer?
KATE: Why Sawyer what?
GALE: He's the first one you asked about. "What did you do with Sawyer and Jack?"
KATE: You don't know me.
GALE: Of course I don't.
KATE: I want my clothes back.
GALE: We burned them.
KATE: Why did you bring me here? Why did you make me put on this dress? Why are you feeding me breakfast?
GALE: I brought you here so you'd look out at the water and feel comforted -- comforted that your friends were looking out at the same ocean. I gave you the dress so that you'd feel like a lady. And I wanted you to eat your food with a real live fork and feel civilized. I did all those things so that you'd have something nice to hold on to. Because, Kate, the next two weeks are going to be very unpleasant.
[Later inside the Hydra}
GALE [appearing]: She's telling the truth, Jack.
JACK: I swear to god, I will kill her.
GALE: Okay. Have her open the door and she dies anyway. We all do.
[Jack pushes Julie away and starts to open the door. Henry and Julie start running. Henry runs out a door and quickly closes it behind him, leaving Julie in the same area as Jack. We hear a loud creaking sound and suddenly a huge gush water pushes the door in and throws Jack backward. Julie grabs onto a pipe and grabs Jack.]
[Later, inside the Hydra]
JULIE: Yes, Jack, she's very happy. Now, I'd like to bring you some food and water. But this time I need to know that you'll behave. Can I trust you, Jack? Put your back against the wall, please.
[Jack moves to the far wall and sits down. Julie exits without giving Jack any food. We see Henry waiting for her.]
GALE: Good work, Juliet.
JULIE: Thank you, Ben.
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