[Juliet looks up and sees the ladder leading out the sub hatch. Sunlight and the sounds of birds chirping comes down the hatch opening. Juliet climbs up the ladder and onto the sub's deck. She stands and sees the island for the first time. The camera backs out and shows the small sub, the dock and the mountains of the island. Ben walks up the pier to the sub]
Ben: Hello Dr. Burke. My name is Benjamin Linus.
[Juliet is still standing on top of the sub. Ben reaches up to her and shakes her hand]
Ben: I'm really looking forward to working with you. Watch your step here.
[[Ben helps Juliet step off the sub onto the pier and they walk toward the island]
[Flashback to Juliet in an operating room on the island. A few others are there as well. Everyone is wearing a blue smock with the DHARMA logo of The Flame station printed on them. An EKG with a long beep shows a flat line. With bloody latex gloves, Ethan pulls down his mask]
Ethan: She's gone, Juliet. She's dead.
[Goodwin is also in the room. Behind him can be seen a large round clock on the wall. The time reads 12:18]
Goodwin: [Speaking to Juliet] Hey, it's okay. You tried. Why don't you go ahead and take off. I'll talk to Ben.
[Juliet walks out of the room. Cut to shot of Juliet sitting on a rocky section of the beach looking out into the ocean. Ben walks up beside her. He is carrying a brown satchel on a strap over his shoulder]
Ben: It was Sabine's choice to get pregnant.
[Ben sits next to her]
Ben: She knew she was taking a risk.
Juliet: I think it happens at conception. And if that's the case there's nothing I can do about it. At least not here.
Ben: I'm not sure I understand.
Juliet: The only way to see if I'm right is to take a woman off the island, back to Miami...
Ben: You're not taking anybody off the island.
Juliet: In that case, there's nothing more I can do. I know you put a lot of faith in me, Ben. And I'm sorry I couldn't help you. My sister's giving birth...in 3 months...and I haven't even been able to call her. It's time for me to go home.
[Juliet gets up and starts to walk away]
Ben: Your sister won't be giving birth in 3 months, Juliet. She'll be dead before then. Her cancer is back.
[Juliet stops and looks at Ben. Ben opens the brown satchel and pulls out a document folder. Juliet looks inside at graphs of a cancer screening. She becomes distraught]
Juliet Where did you get this?
Ben: Mikhail. I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner. I just didn't see what good it would do...
Juliet: [Yelling] What good it would do?! I could have gone home! I could have been with her!
Ben: You still can. You can go home, Juliet. Be with her in her final days. Or you can stay here and help me with our problem.
Juliet: Why would I stay?
Ben: Because if you do, I will cure your sister's cancer.
Juliet: I'm supposed to take that on faith?
Ben: You've been here for 6 months. You've done extensive workups on all of us. Have you seen even a trace of cancer?
Juliet: That's here! And being that you won't let me bring my sister here I'm going to need more...
Ben: Jacob said he would take care of it himself. Unless, of course, you don't have faith in him.
[Juliet looks upset but wanting to believe]
Ben: Every woman on this island needs you. If you choose to stay...I promise you, we will save Rachel's life.
[The scene shifts to Juliet walking out of her house and down the sidewalk while carrying the x-rays with her]
Man: Morning Juliet.
[The scene shifts to Ben sitting at his desk when he hears a knock on his door. He is reading the book Carrie. He walks and opens the door]
Ben: Hi.
Juliet: Can I come in?
Ben: Of course.
[Juliet enters and Ben close the door]
Ben: I was just finishing Carrie. Still don't know why you picked it, but boy is it depressing.
Juliet: You have a tumor.
Ben: [Stunned] What?
Juliet: When you told me about your back pain I said that I would take some x-rays to see if it was a small fracture or a herniated disk...but that's not your problem.
[Juliet takes out the x-ray and hands it to Ben]
Juliet: Your problem is a large tumor surrounding your L-4 vertebrae.
[Ben studies the x-ray and appears shocked]
Juliet: You're surprised.
Ben: Well, you just told me that I have cancer, Juliet, of course I'm surprised.
Juliet: No, I told you that you have a tumor.
[Ben walks to his kitchen and Juliet follows him]
Juliet: Why are you scared?
Ben: I'm not scared.
[Ben takes a glass from the cabinet and begins filling it with water from the sink faucet]
Juliet: Why are you scared, Ben? You said no one on this island ever had cancer. You told me that.
Ben: I know what I told you, Juliet.
Juliet: You told me you could fix it! You said that! You said that you cured my sister! You lied to me!
Ben: [Defensive] No I did not lie to you.
Juliet: If you can cure cancer, Ben, then why do you have it?
Ben: I don't know.
[Juliet slaps the glass of water out of Ben's hand, it falls to the floor breaking, and she points her finger in his face]
Juliet: I want to talk to her. I want to talk to Rachel! I want to talk to her, now!
Ben: It's not gonna happen, Juliet, but I can promise you that Rachel is fine.
Juliet: You never cured her!
Ben: I did!
Juliet: You're a liar!
Ben: No, Juliet!
Juliet: [Screaming] You lied to me!
Ben: I told you the truth! I gave you my word.
Juliet: [Crying] I don't...
[She breaks down and buries her face in Ben's chest. Ben seems shocked and doesn't know how to respond]
Juliet: [Crying] I want to go home. I want to go home, Ben. Please. Can't you please just let me go home?
Ben: No.
Juliet: [Anguished] Ohhhh.
[Ben walks away and Juliet falls on his kitchen counter crying
The scene flashes back to Juliet playing a CD and listening to the song 'Downtown' by Petula Clark. Images are shown of her struggling to hold it together, setting up chairs in a circle, the book club meeting where an argument breaks out, the earth shaking which ends the meeting, and everyone heading outside to witness Flight 815 breaking apart in the sky]
Ben: Goodwin. Ethan. There may actually be survivors...and you're one of them. You're a passenger. You're in shock. Listen, learn, and don't get involved. I want lists in 3 days. Go.
[Ethan and Goodwin head out and Ben turns to Juliet who is holding a copy of the book Carrie]
Ben: So I guess I'm out of the book club.
[Juliet turns and starts to walk away]
Ben: Juliet? Juliet?
[Juliet turns and faces Ben]
Ben: I was looking for you this morning. You and I need to talk.
Juliet: Now?
Ben: We have some time. It's important. Take a walk with me.
[Ben and Juliet start walking and the scene shifts to them walking up to The Flame station at night]
Ben: [Speaking into a walkie-talkie] Mikhail, we're here.
[Static is heard]
Ben: He never has his walkie on.
Juliet: What are we doing here?
Ben: Something I need to show you.
[They approach The Flame station]
Ben: Mikhail! It's Ben! I'm here with Juliet! We're approaching the house! Don't shoot us...
Mikhail: [From inside the station] Well hurry up then.
[Inside The Flame station Mikhail leads Ben and Juliet to a wall of monitors]
Mikhail: Did you see it?
Ben: A plane fell out of the sky, Mikhail... of course we saw it. What do you have so far?
[Mikhail sits in front of 6 monitors which appear to display images of the plane and different news feeds of the event]
Mikhail: Oceanic Flight 815. Left Sydney, Australia, headed for Los Angeles, 324 people on board including the flight crew.
Ben: I want detailed files on every single passenger.
Mikhail: Already working on it.
Ben: Can we uplink to Richard in Acadia Park please.
[Mikhail adjusts a dial on the console]
Ben: [To Juliet] Yesterday, you called me a liar. I was hurt by that.
[Ben puts on a set of headphones and addresses the uplink]
Ben: Hello Richard, can you hear me?
[The screen focuses on a copy of the Miami Journal. Ben points to the screen]
Ben: Notice today's date. This is live. Okay Richard.
[The scene pans out to show a playground where a young boy slides down a slide and is caught by a woman. The woman turns and it is Rachel holding a young boy]
Juliet: Oh my God. Oh my God.
[Juliet steps forward, places her hands on the screen]
Juliet: [Crying] Oh. Oh my God.
[The scene on the screen shows Rachel and her child running and laughing on the playground]
Ben: A little over 2 years ago, to everyone's surprise, Rachel's cancer went into complete remission. Shortly after, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. His name is Julian. [To the uplink] Okay thank you, Richard. You'll wanna get back here as soon as you can. We may have some new visitors.
[The screen goes blank and Juliet reacts in anguish]
Juliet: [Crying] Oh God! No! No! No!
[She grabs Mikhail's hand which is on the control, but the feed is lost]
Ben: I'm not a liar Juliet.
Juliet: [Crying] I want to go home.
Ben: That's not our agreement. You need to stay here until your work is finished.
Juliet: [Crying] It's impossible. The mothers keep dying.
Ben: Then we'll find more mothers. Who knows...maybe there's even 1 on that plane.
The scene then shifts to Juliet stretching her tarp out and tying it to posts to construct a shelter. As she builds the structure she remembers a conversation with Ben. They are sitting at a table inside one of the Barracks homes]
Ben: Let's go over it again.
Juliet: I know what to do
Ben: Let's go over it again, just to be sure.
Juliet: I drag Austen out into the jungle, handcuff myself to her, then tell her I was gassed, just like she was.
Ben: If she catches you in the lie?
Juliet: I'll admit to it, tell her it was the only way to earn her trust.
Ben: Good. What then?
Juliet: They'll take me back to the beach.
[While Juliet continues to talk to Ben, the scene shows her continuing to tie up the shelter. As she does this she watches the survivors, including Jin and a man who appear to be discussing fishing, Hurley and Sun preparing food, and Desmond sitting at a table]
Juliet: I know you want me to go there, but after everything we've done to them...it's going to be a problem.
[The scene then shifts back to her memory showing us her and Ben sitting at the table]
Ben: We've activated the implant in Claire. She should be symptomatic within the next 48 hours. By the time you get to that camp, you'll have a nice big crisis to solve.
[While Juliet continues to talk to Ben, the scene shows her continuing to tie up the shelter. As she does this she watches the survivors, including Charlie, Jack, Claire and Aaron who are talking.]
Juliet: I'll need supplies.
Ben: Pryce is already on his way. He'll hide the case at Ethan's old drop point. Tell Jack that you can save her. He trust's you.
[The scene shows Jack walking and seeing Juliet build the shelter. He gives her a big smile and she returns it with one of her own. The scene then shifts back to her memory showing her sitting at the table]
Ben: Are you alright?
Juliet: I'm fine.
[Ben sets a gas mask on the table in front of Juliet]
Ben: See you in a week.
[Ben rolls off in his wheelchair, Juliet takes the mask, and the scene shifts back to Juliet who is still tying the tarp to the shelter. She watches Jack fill a bottle with water. The scene ends with her providing a rather knowing and somewhat evil stare. The last shot is of Juliet's hands as she is tightly tying the last knot on the tent]
1 comment:
[url=http://www.ile-maurice.com/forum/members/wetter-vorhersage.html][b]10 tage wetter[/b][/url]
[url=http://www.ile-maurice.com/forum/members/wetter-vorhersage.html][b]paul wetter[b][/url]
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