[In the Hydra operating room, we see Ivan about to inject a needle in Ben's infected back. Jack busts in.]
JACK: I wouldn't do that!
BEN: The cavalry has arrived, at last.
JACK: I'd be more impressed with you people if you had a good surgeon.
BEN: We had an excellent surgeon, Jack. His name was Ethan.
JACK: You've got a very serious infection, Ben. That infected tissue needs to be reincised, debreeded; and you need be closely monitored from here on out. There might be nerve damage or any number of other complications. You might not walk again.
BEN: Your bedside manner leaves something to be desired.
JACK: Well, then it's too bad you're stuck with me.
BEN: Am I?
JACK: You need a doctor, Ben -- someone to stay with you -- bring you back to good health.
BEN: And, here we go again. I've already given you a ticket off this island, Jack. What's it going to cost me this time?
JACK: Right now, you're people are in a room deciding whether or not to execute Juliet. You're going to stop it.
BEN: Juliet doesn't care about you, Jack. It doesn't matter what she's done. No matter what you think -- she's one of us.
JACK: Do we have a deal or not?
BEN [to Alex]: Does Isabel have a walkie?
ALEX: They're already in the meeting.
BEN: Then get me something to write on.
[Scene switches to the Others on the beach preparing to ferry people to a larger boat offshore. Tom kneels with an umbrella over the prone Ben who is lying on his side.]
ISABEL [to Jack]: "He walks amongst us, but he is not one of us." Your tattoos -- that's what they say.
JACK: That's what they say. That's not what they mean.
Ben gives one of his enigmatic smiles, but seems very pleased with Jack’s comment.
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