[Back on the island we see Ana enter the armory.]
ANA: Hey, Henry, what do you say? How long are you going to keep up this hunger strike, Henry? I ever tell you I was a cop? I've been around a lot of killers in my life. You know what surprises me most about them? How much they love to talk. But you're different, Henry. Hmm? Quiet.
GALE: [whispers something inaudible (possibly: You insult.)]
ANA: What was that?
GALE: [repeats the whisper twice.]
ANA [getting in Gale's face]: If you're going to say something; you're going to have to speak up.
[Gale suddenly stands and knocks Ana back. He grabs her and starts strangling her.]
GALE: You killed 2 of us -- good people who were leaving you alone. You're the killer, Ana-Lucia.
[Gale and Ana struggle, but he pins her. Just as it looks like she's done for, Locke hits Gale in the back of the head with his crutch.]
LOCKE: I guess he decided to start talking, huh?
[We see Locke examining a blast door area in the ceiling of the hatch. Then we see him unlock the armory door.]
GALE: If you've come to apologize, I forgive for hitting me with your crutch. I'm so glad my head didn't break it.
GALE: Now that's a broad question.
LOCKE: Why'd you try to hurt Ana-Lucia, but not me?
GALE: I'm not sure I know what you're getting at, John.
LOCKE: I was trapped under that blast door, helpless. You could've crushed my skull, but you didn't do a thing. Why didn't you?
GALE: Because you're one of the good ones, John.
LOCKE: What? Good what?
GALE: None of this matters. I'm dead anyway. The doctor's gone to make a trade and we both know he'll come back empty-handed and then I've lost my value. So either Jack comes back here and kills me or my people find out where I'm being held and they do it.
LOCKE: Why would your own people want to kill you?
GALE: Because the man in charge -- he's a great man, John, a brilliant man -- but he's not a forgiving man. He'll kill me because I failed, John. I failed my mission.
LOCKE: What mission?
GALE: When that woman caught me in her trap I was on my way here, John. I was coming for you.
[We see Ana open the armory door. She slides the swiss army knife to Gale.]
ANA: Pick it up. Cut yourself loose.
GALE: What?
ANA: Just do it.
GALE: Why?
ANA: You know why.
[Gale cuts himself free.]
GALE: He kept saying you were misunderstood.
ANA: What are you talking about?
GALE: Goodwin. Yes, he told us all about you, Ana -- how he thought you were worthy, and that he could change you. But he was wrong. And it cost him his life.
ANA: He was going to kill me.
GALE: Was he?
ANA: Are you done?
GALE: Yes, Ana, I'm done.
[Ana draws her gun and points it at Gale's head.]
GALE: So, this is it, huh?
ANA: Yes, Henry. This is it.
[Later, after Michael has shot Ana and Libby]
[Michael, surprised, turns and shoots her twice. He opens the armory door. He and Gale stare at each other for a long moment. Michael shoots himself in the arm.]
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