Ana Lucia: Two days now. no food, no water, nothing to say.
Jack: I'm tired of waiting.
(He enters the armory)
Jack: I hear you've lost your appetite.
(Henry stares straight ahead, ignoring him)
Jack: Okay. Don't talk. I was never that good at bedside manner anyway. I'm gonna change that dressing on your shoulder. If you try anything, we've got a problem.
(AL watches from doorway. Jack rips off bandage. Henry flinches.)
Jack: So Henry. Henry, I was thinking about something you were saying before we found out who you are. This is gonna sting. (Henry grimaces and groans as Jack applies disenfectant.) Yeah, you were saying if you were one of them, that you'd lead us into a trap, capture our people, force a trade, us for you. Pretty good idea, Henry, and since you are one of them, I thought now might be a good time to use it. I'm going out to the line that we're not supposed to cross and telling them we've got you. And if they want you back it's gonna cost 'em. And when we get Walt back, you might just have been worth all the trouble.
Henry: They'll never give you Walt.
(Later, outside the armory. Locke speaks through the closed door.}
Locke: Henry, can you hear me? (Knocks) It's John, Henry. Henry, did you enter the numbers? Did you push the button or not? (Knocking louder) Henry, I need to know! I want you to answer me! (Pounding on door) Answer me! Answer me! You hear me!
(Cut to inside the armory where Henry Gale sits with that strange smile.)
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